Saturday, May 16, 2020

Missing person Free Essay Example, 2000 words

First, the description of the person lost is required. The police need to know the actual person that they are finding. The parents provide the description of the person missing. Role of media Revealing identity and identification of close friends At this stage the main idea that the media and specifically the social media can help identify the person actually. The other details obtained from the social media are the close acquaintances of the person missing. The police identify the details of the close acquaintances, located, and interviewed by the police. Sometimes the police may obtain the login details of the social media of the missing person and see the response that will help to know whether people understands of the whereabouts (Geberth, 2006, p. 43). The close friends have vital information that even the parents cannot provide. Consideration of the use of media to communicate to public At this stage, police will consider on which means of communication that will be used for communicating information related to the lost person whenever possible communications are made to the public regarding the missing person at this stage. The use of Amber Alert It is an emergency system that is used to communicate to the all the public concerning a missing child that is in an acute condition. We will write a custom essay sample on Missing person or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Everybody receive the message without serious consideration. The activation responsibility rests with the police departments. There are strict controls on the use of amber alerts and, in fact, there is a unique system of activating and deactivating the media. First, the rationale to use media is justified when police confirm the actual abduction. Second, the person affected is a minor and who is mentally or physically disabled (Geberth, 2006, 76). Third, there must be a serious belief that victimized individual may have suffered physical injury. Lastly, there must be a probability that if the information held by the detectives was communicated to public it would hold to recover the missing individual. Flyer and Posters Distribution Flyers and posters distribution will facilitate the recovery of the individual lost depending on the circumstances that the person got missing. However, the police keenly consider the following factors before flyers are distributed. First, they must carefully control the ways flyers and posters are distributed. Second, the police distribute the missing person’s pictures but they must cover the section from the head to the shoulders (Hess & Orthmann, 2014, 26).

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